Friday, 10 October 2008

More much needed updates

Like so many fat people with unused gym memberships, my resolution to write more has been a failure. Sure, it left me with a lingering sense of guilt, especially since people (okay, two, but that's still plural) in Sydney had been asking for more entries, but I just couldn't find the motivation. I needed a reason bigger than self-fulfillment or maintaining friendships. What I needed was competition... And then Emma started "feeling fuzzy?", and suddenly I had purpose!

So, here's my metaphorical blitzkrieg in the war of the words: updates on all the travels and goings-on since the start of 2008. Since this blog is more or less a personal diary to one day help me remember what I did and when, I've back-dated and archived the entries.

So that you can find them, here they are, in more or less reverse order:

More links will be added once I write the posts - there's a lot to catch up on!

I hope you enjoy reading them. Both of you. P


Feeling Fuzzy? said...

Glad to be of service Tripey! Healthy competition is always a good thing!!

Anonymous said...

I will enjoy... besides I can't get second hand info from jono anymore